Line charts are typically used to show the overall trend of a certain topic. For instance, you can use a line chart to show the overall price movement of a stock or people’s interest in a certain topic or object.
The following shows the core syntax to plot line charts in Python, including Seaborn, matplotlib, and Pandas.
- Seaborn: sns.lineplot(data=df, x=’column_x’, y=’column_y’)
- matplotlib: plt.plot(df[‘column_x’], df[‘column_y’])
- Pandas: df.plot.line(x=’column_x’, y=’column_y’)
Example 1: Seaborn to plot line charts in Python
import seaborn as sns import pandas as pd # reed data from GitHub df=pd.read_csv("") # print out the data print(df) # use seaborn to plot a line chart sns.lineplot(data=may_flights, x="year", y="passengers")
The following is the data output:
Unnamed: 0 year month passengers 0 4 1949 May 121 1 16 1950 May 125 2 28 1951 May 172 3 40 1952 May 183 4 52 1953 May 229 5 64 1954 May 234 6 76 1955 May 270 7 88 1956 May 318 8 100 1957 May 355 9 112 1958 May 363 10 124 1959 May 420 11 136 1960 May 472
The following is the line chart plot using Seaborn in Python.

Example 2: Use matplotlib to plot line charts in Python
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd # reed data from GitHub df=pd.read_csv("") # use seaborn to plot a line chart plt.plot(df["year"], df["passengers"])
The following is the line chart plot.

Example 3: use Pandas to plot line charts in Python
import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # reed data from GitHub df=pd.read_csv("") # use Pandas to plot line charts df.plot.line(x="year", y="passengers") # is optional in some IDE such as Jupyter
The following is the line chart plot.

Example 4: Generate data from scratch to plot line charts in Python
All the first 3 examples read data from GitHub. In contrast, the following will use NumPy package to generate X and Y.
In particular, it generates a range of data (0 ~ 20), and then square the X as Y. Then, we can plot a line chart to illustrate how to plot a line chart in Python.
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # generate data from scratch x_simple=np.linspace(0, 20, 100) y_simple=x_simple*x_simple # plot line charts using matplotlib plt.plot(x_simple, y_simple) plt.xlabel("X") plt.ylabel("Y")

Example 5: Plot Google Trends Scores of Peloton
Google Trends is a site by Google that analyzes the popularity of search queries in Google Search. Thus, if a word is more popular, Google Trends scores will be higher.
Peloton’s Google Trends data is used to plot the overall trends of consumers’ interest in Peloton overtime, from March 2019 to March 2022.
X = Different Weeks
Y= Google Trends scores of Peloton
Step 1: Read data and plot the line chart
The code below reads the CSV data file from GitHub into the environment and prints it out.
import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # read data from GitHub and print it out url="" data_Peloton=pd.read_csv(url) print(data_Peloton) # use matplotlib to plot the line chart plt.plot('Week', 'Peloton',data=data_Peloton) # is optional in some IDE such as Jupyter
Week Peloton 0 3/10/2019 10 1 3/17/2019 11 2 3/24/2019 10 3 3/31/2019 9 4 4/7/2019 8 .. ... ... 156 3/6/2022 19 157 3/13/2022 17 158 3/20/2022 16 159 3/27/2022 15 160 4/3/2022 15 [161 rows x 2 columns] [Finished in 1.3s]

Step 2: Change the interval on the x-axis
As you can see, while the y-axis looks great, the x-axis looks very crowded. To solve that problem, we need to use reduce the number of labels shown on the x-axis.
The following is the solution. The basic idea is to specify the interval. There are quite a few different methods of doing that, see the figure below.

The following is the complete Python code to plot the line chart and the output.
# updated version of Python code to plot line charts import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt url="" data_Peloton=pd.read_csv(url) # use matplotlib to plot the line chart plt.plot('Week', 'Peloton',data=data_Peloton) # added line of statement to change the interval plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(30)) # change the font size of the title plt.title("Google Trends of Peloton",fontdict = {'fontsize' : 15}) # is optional in some IDE such as Jupyter