How to Plot a Single Point in Matplotlib Python

You can use plt.plot() to plot a sinple point on an existing plot in Python Matplotlib.

Method 1: Just a single point on the plot

The following plot a point of (-3, 1) in a plot using Matplotlib in Python.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(-3, 1, marker="o", markersize=5, color="red")
Plot a single point in Python

Method 2: Add a point in an exsting plot

We ccan add a single data point in an exisiting point. Below is an example showing how to add a point showing the bottom of a bell shap line.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

def function_1(x):
  return x**2+6*x+10

data_XY ={"X":range(-15, 12, 1)} 

plt.plot(data_XY["X"], data_XY["Y"],c="Black")
A bell shape plot in Python

Add a point showing the bottom of the bell shape.

plt.plot(-3, 1, marker="o", markersize=5, color="red")
Adding a point in an existing plot in Matplotlib Python

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