How to Calculate Predicated Y in Linear Regression in Python

This tutorial shows how you can calculate predicted Y (or, estimated Y) in linear regression in Python.

Steps of Calculating Predicated Y in Linear Model in Python

Step 1: Prepare data, X and Y

# Import numpy 
import numpy as np

# Create a numpy array of data:
X = np.array([5, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 14]).reshape(-1, 1)
Y = np.array([3, 1, 2, 5, 14, 15, 16]).reshape(-1, 1)

# Print out X and Y
print('Y:\n', Y)


 [[ 5]
 [ 2]
 [ 3]
 [ 4]
 [[ 3]
 [ 1]
 [ 2]
 [ 5]

Step 2: Apply LinearRegression() from sklearn

We can then apply LinearRegression() from sklearn to estimate the linear model. Specifcally, it estimates the intercept and slope for the linear model.

# Import LinearRegression from sklearn 
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

# Create a shorter name for LinearRegression()
lm = LinearRegression()

# Use fit() in lm() and save to 'result'
result =, Y) 

# Print out intercept:
print('Intercept=', result.intercept_)

# Print out slope:


Intercept= [-1.84375]
Slope= [[1.40625]]

Step 3. Calculate the predicated Y (or, estimated Y)

We can use the predict() to calculate the predicted Y. The following is the code.

# Calculate predicted Y
predicted_Y =result.predict(x)

# Print Out predicted Y
print('Predicted Y:', predicted_Y, sep='\n')


Predicted Y:
[[ 5.1875 ]
 [ 0.96875]
 [ 2.375  ]
 [ 3.78125]
 [13.625  ]

Step 4: Combine observed data and predicted Y

We can combine both observed X and Y and predicted Y into a same dataframe. This step is optional.

# import pandas 
import pandas as pd

# combine observed X and Y and predicted Y into the same dataframe (optional step)
df = pd.DataFrame ({'X':X.ravel(),'Y':Y.ravel(),'predicted_Y':predicted_Y.ravel()})

# print out the dataframe
print (df)


    X   Y  predicted_Y
0   5   3      5.18750
1   2   1      0.96875
2   3   2      2.37500
3   4   5      3.78125
4  10  14     12.21875
5  11  15     13.62500
6  14  16     17.84375

Further Reading