A List of Books and Blogs on Data Analytics and Data Science

This page provides a collection of ebook and paper books on the topics of data analytics and data science. Most of these books are ones that I like, I read before, or I am reading. I also include some blogs that I visited and found useful.

An Introduction to Statistical Learning

This book is easy to understand actually. I have a printed copy, but the authors actually put this book pdf online. They even have YouTube videos.

Machine Learning Interviews Book

This is a book about interviews for job in machine learning. It provides practical and detailed processes for getting a job in the machine learning domain.

Python for Data Analysis

A comprehensive book about how to apply Python in data analysis.

Jeremy Jordan’s website

I found his website providing useful posts on data science. Of importance, he presents his posts in a clean format (e.g., webpage layout), which I like.

Data Analysis and Statistics with R

Introduction to R data analytics.